Fatma Sakka

Web/Mobile Dev

Support Team Leader

IT Manager

Software engineer

Fatma Sakka

Web/Mobile Dev

Support Team Leader

IT Manager

Software engineer

Blog Post

Experience VS Motivation​

May 2, 2021 free style

2 years ago, when I first started working for my first company, I was super excited and motivated.

I had a university teacher background, and I was not bad at communication.

Technically, I had no experience besides my internship needed to obtain my engineering degree. I remember my first dev task. I was in the new people corner near the window when my team leader came to introduce me to their application: A reservation web application, “Made with Love”.

I went over the Code and started getting the meaning and purpose of every part of it. I was amazed and impressed by the team. I could feel the experience and the power of each of them in every part of the project. I started by a small change in the behavior of a button until after a year we did a full revamp.

It took me 2 Months to be able to learn 2 programming languages (Front and backend), 4 months to manage a client meeting and requests, and a year to contribute to the revamp.

You may wonder why a revamp was necessary? I would totally answer that my first impression of the project was just out of excitement. After applying some edits, I figured out that even a 4-year experienced developer, can make fatal mistakes, useless loops, and security gaps.

I also knew that evolution and improvement do not depend on experience only, it is more of a decision. If you really want to be more, do more and give yourself totally to what you are doing, your improvement will be timeless.

You might, in a day, know a trick that a 10-year experienced developer ignores. People that pretend to know everything, are the most ignorant ones. Those who dare say “I don’t know” out loud, are the ones that will always progress. They give space for the information to be provided to them from outside. They are open and ready to receive more.

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